can now buy our products on-line for the USA and Canada
Steps to order
- Write us at
- We will confirm your order sending you a Paypal invoice
- Make the payment online at in your Paypal account and let us know that the payment was made
- The following Monday your order will be shipped (we don´t ship over the weekend since the Guava Sauce is refrigerated)
- You will receive an e-mail from UPS with your guide
- Your Guava Sauce will be arriving at your door on Wednesday or Thursday of that same week
Products that you can order
1 box of Guava Sauce (refrigerated) with 18 bags of 450 gr (1 lb)1 box of Guava Candy with 18 500gr (1.1 lb) bars
1 box of Guava Candy Fireballs, 60 bags with 6 balls in each bag
The cost of one box delivered to your door in all of the continental USA and southern part of Canada is only $79.90 (plus a $20 customs charge per shipment) which comes out to $5.55 a bag for one boxTwo boxes $179.80 which comes out to $4.99 a bag
Three boxes $ 259.70 which comes out to $4.81 a bag
Order now and take advantage of our online recipes and treat your friends to some natural tropical treats
Por nuestros cllientes en México escribános a y les mandamos la cotización para que puede recibir nuestros productos a la puerta de su casa o negocio
For more information on our products, email us at